Friday, January 20, 2012

Blog - Christian Mission to Restore Haiti

Blog - Christian Mission to Restore Haiti

The Christian Mission to Restore Haiti is being blessed by God. Since our beginning in July of 2011, God has enabled us to begin North Haiti Bible Institute. It is desperately needed since most of the pastors have no formal training in Bible. We are beginning with 16 students, 4 from each of the churches that are members of CMRH. There are many more who want to study God's Word with us since it is a tuition free school. We have been contacted by pastors 4 hours from Cap-Haitien who want to take the courses. Since we must pay for all of the printing and the extra weight when flying to Haiti, the transportation from the villages where the students live to Cap-Haitien, and then feed them two meals while they are with us, we just cannot afford to take on more students now. We must limit the enrollees to those we currently have. Our desire to to educate every pastor and church leader in Haiti who wants a free Bible education. It is gratifying to see the excitement among those who want to learn God's Word.

Also, God has enabled us through a few generous donations to provide a satellite internet connection along with a new, up to date, fully capable computer for our Cap-Haitien office. These will be invaluable for daily communication with our administrator in Haiti who will also be our on-site representative for the Bible Institute. He will be contacting us daily with his reports.

Every week there are churches who contact us about joining CMHR. But, because of the additional financial responsibilities that would cause, we must turn them down for now. We don't want to do this; we want to help all churches in Haiti, but we have no choice at this time. There are even churches in the Dominican Republic who want to join with us. Until our support is sufficient, we cannot take on the additional responsibility.

We still have 1500+ children we are trying to feed. There are many widows who have absolutely no means of support who we must help. James 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit the orphans and widows in their affliction... When we were there last July six widows in the Bas Limbe church asked for help. We only had $100 Haitian - approximately $16 US - to share among them.

I know many of you support missions. It is not our intention to take any support from any other Godly mission. But, if you do not support any mission or if you sense God would have you support us, would you pray about what God would have you to do? We need your help so we can help the many pastors and leaders who want to study Scripture so they can teach others. We need your help so we can feed the children and help the widows. Not one penny goes into the pocket of any one of us at CMRH. We are all volunteers and pay our own way. There are no "administrative" costs as with other organizations. All monies go to provide for the needs of others.

Thank you for reading this and doing what God leads you to do.

Pastor John