Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Why I am a Republican

By: John Ehrlich

June 2006

Although I was raised in a Republican household, I am not a Republican by birth.  I am a Republican by choice.  By deliberate choice.  By conviction.  These are some of my reasons for being a Republican.  They may or may not be yours; you may or may not agree with them, especially if you are a Democrat.  But they are my reasons, and I stand by them.  I sincerely believe that everyone should have reasons for what they believe, and be able to defend those beliefs to others, not simply say they believe something without being able to explain the reasoning behind their belief.  To say I’m a Republican because my father was one simply isn’t good enough.

Through the years I have asked a simple question to many people, and a majority of them have given the wrong answer.  My question is, “What form of government do we have?”  The majority have given the answer “a democracy.”  I would then begin the Pledge of Allegiance.  “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the ???  I would stop there, and wait for them to give the answer.  Republic.  “Republic for which it stands.”  The United States of America is a Republic.  We have a republican form of government; we are a constitutional republic; we are not a democracy. Our freely elected government officials, whether president, congressman, or senator are  elected by the will of the majority, so it could be stated that we are a democratic republic.  Just because we have democratically elected government in no way implies that we are a democracy that is ruled by what the majority wants.  It simply means that we democratically elect those who will govern our republic. 

Words have meanings, and those meanings are important – they cannot be changed.  There have been attempts to hi-jack words and make them mean other than what they do.  An example is the word “gay.”  I don’t need to explain that.  There was a time when there was not a dime’s worth of difference between a Republican and a Democrat.  The word “politician” would have been a better word to describe both of them.  But, today, there is a vast difference between the two; much of it is based on the meanings of the words.  I am a Republican because of the meaning of the word “republic”.  The word “republic” means “rule by law.”  It means that we are not free to do whatever we wish to do, but we are free to live within the confines of the law of the land, which is the Constitution.  We know what the law demands and what it prohibits.  It is spelled out for us.  There are federal, state, and local laws by which we are to live.  Republicans believe in rule by law. Our republic is ruled by law. 

The word “democracy” on the other hand means “mob rule”, or “rule by majority opinion.”  Whatever the majority wants should become the rule of life.  When is the last time that the mob has been right about anything?  Mobs are not controlled by logic or by law, but by emotions, and emotions are not reliable.  Emotions fluctuate depending on the situation.  Emotions cause people to make decisions that do not take into account any future consequences, but are only concerned with present benefits.  Does it make me feel good now?  Am I getting a benefit from it now?  By definition, Democrats believe that the majority should rule according to what is most popular.  A republic, by definition, cannot be ruled by whatever opinion is popular at the time.

Were we to have a true democracy in the United States, that would mean putting on the bench judges who will find a way to make the Constitution say something that it does not say.  Let’s swear in judges and Supreme Court Justices who will circumvent the law of the land and implement what is popular or what is convenient for most people.  Let’s elect representatives who will hold their finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing before they pass any new laws.  Let’s have an executive branch that will only enforce the laws most people want and totally disregard the others.  We would have total chaos. Unfortunately, that describes the condition of our government now.

Doesn’t that sound like Democrats?  See which way the wind of popular opinion is blowing before they address the issue?  There is no absolute standard, but it can, and many times does, change from day to day.  Because the standards by which we live have drastically changed over that past 50 years or so - more godlessness, more self-centeredness, more denial of absolutes - politicians think that in order to be elected they must adopt to the will of those who squeal that loudest, whether or not they conform to the constitution.  We cannot depend on knowing what to expect on any given day.  The majority can change their mind and therefore, we must change to reflect that whim.  That is what a democracy, by definition, is, and we do not have such a government. Well, unfortunately, we are rapidly becoming such a government.  No standards, but change with the wind.

If you will be honest in your evaluation, you must admit that that is the essential difference between Republicans and Democrats.  Now, I realize and readily admit that there are exceptions to this definition within both parties.  But, the majority of Republicans hold to this way of thinking and government and the majority of Democrats do the same. 

When is the last time you heard a Republican leader change his message depending on who the audience was?  When was the last time you heard the identical message given by a Democrat to various groups of people with different backgrounds and goals in life?  Democrats have a way of changing their message and their meaning to fit the audience and what they think the people want to hear, or to fit their message to any given situation.  Democrats say one thing this week and something entirely opposite of it next week. 

Their problem is that they try to please everyone.  Mob rule, remember?  If you try to please everyone, you can’t please anyone because your story changes all the time, and no one knows what you really mean – if indeed you mean anything.  If you have something to say, someone will be offended by it.  There’s no getting around that.  But, so what if someone is offended?   They’ll get over it eventually.  We cannot live our lives in fear that someone will not like what we say or who we are.  There is absolutely no one who can go through life without offending or being offended.  On the other hand, Republicans, for the most part, realize that truth and so speak, not to deliberately be offensive, but realizing that there are some people who just will not like what they have to say, but let the chips fall where they may.  There have been so many examples of this recently.  Even the media, which tends toward supporting liberal Democrats, have shown this to be true.  Democrats want to be popular more than they want to maintain a constant message, while Republicans give the same message to all people, regardless if it is popular or not.  The law does not change just because a certain group is not comfortable with it or willing to conform to it.  Neither should anyone seeking to be elected to public office have different messages that are contradictory depending on the audience. 

What about our right under the constitution to dissent and to demonstrate?  Americans most certainly do have that right.  If a law is unfair, then is should be changed.  Perhaps the definitive example would be the civil rights demonstrations of the 1960’s.   The laws were unjust and needed to be changed, and civil demonstrations and dissent caused them to be changed.  Whenever there is a law that is obviously unjust and discriminatory, it should be addressed by the people affected and changed by our elected officials.  I do not know of any true Republican who would deny people the right to dissent and to demonstrate against unjust laws.

Democrats do have one healthy advantage over Republicans.  They have mastered the art of oratory.  Most of them far exceed the Republicans in this ability.  Their method and manner of speaking gets attention.  They know how to make emotional appeals.  I, for one, would rather hear the truth spoken in a less than fluent way than to hear deception and disinformation spoken with power and precision.  Republicans are more concerned with the content of what is being said more than with perfection in delivery. Again, I realize there are exceptions, but this is the general rule. 

We have gotten to the point in the United States that we just do not want to offend anyone, that if what I say to this group is not the platform of some other group, then let’s change what we say to each of them so everyone will be happy.  Everyone has the right to do whatever they want to do, regardless of whether it is right or wrong morally.  Everyone has the right to have whatever they want.  Everyone has the right to say whatever they want to say, to change the meanings of words if they are offended by what the original definition is.  If I want to believe that 2 plus 2 equals 17, then it equals 17.  Just because you think 2 plus 2 equals 4 does not mean I have to believe that.  Just because it is right for you to believe that does not mean it is right for me.  I do not care if it is right absolutely.  The only people who do not have a right to voice their opinion are those who believe in absolutes, who believe that there is a right and a wrong.  If anyone dares to be so presumptuous as to disagree with the relativism of today, they are attacked and shouted down.  “Who are you to tell me what I can or cannot do?  Who do you think you are?”

The issue is a greater one than political.  It is one of “Is there truth that is absolute, or is everything relative?  Can I do whatever I want to do, say whatever I want to say, and think whatever I want to think without consequence, or is there accountability for my actions?” 

Several years ago a radio talk show host asked the question, “Why are most evangelical Christians Republican?”  That is easy to answer.  Christians believe that the Bible is our authority for living.  It is the revealed Word of God.  It is the revelation of a Holy God, His will for us, His expectations for us.  It tells us what God’s laws are, what is acceptable and what is not.  Christians do not have any problem with recognizing God’s authority and subjecting ourselves to that authority.  We understand that we are sinners and that our propensity is to do wrong, to break God’s law.  We need to have guidance on a daily basis.  We do not have all the answers.  We know that human wisdom only goes so far in solving problems.  God’s wisdom is needed.  His direction is to be followed if we are to live peaceable and productive lives.  God’s laws are given for our protection, not our bondage.  They are given so we will enjoy freedom.  As “America the Beautiful” says, there is “liberty in law.”  Without law, God’s or man’s, there is no freedom.

In the same way that we understand God’s authority in our lives and are willing to submit ourselves to it, we understand that human laws and government are ordained by God also.  We believe in rule by law, even if that rule may not be perfect or popular.  We do not believe that the majority is to rule simply because there may be more of them or they may be more vocal.  The Bible and the Constitution both are documents that recognize the dignity of men and sets forth standards to protect them, not to enslave them and put them into bondage to the law, forcing them to do what is not good for them.

On the other hand, Christians recognize that there are those who totally reject God’s authority over them.  They believe they can do whatever they want to do without suffering any consequences.  While it may be true that we all have the ability to make choices, and those choices may include a denial of God and His right to rule over us, God does not give us the right to reject Him, any more than the law gives us the right to disregard any law we do not like, even though we may have the ability to ignore it. 

I have the ability to drive my car at 100 miles per hour and crash it into another vehicle if I feel so inclined to do so, but I do not have the right to do it.  I have the right to drive at the posted speed limit and yield the right of way to other vehicles.  I have the ability to take a gun and shoot someone, but I do not have the right to do so.  I have the ability to break any law that I want to break, but I do not have the right to break it, and if I do, consequences will be administered by the authorities.  I have the right to live within the confines of the law. 

Should I choose to disregard God’s commandments and break them, I certainly have the ability to do so, but not the right to do so.  Man may think he has the right to disobey and to ignore God, and on a human level, he does.  Man may believe in God or not believe in God in any way, shape or form that he desires, but God recognizes no such right.  God demands that we believe in Him as He is revealed in the Word of God.  We cannot define God the way we want Him to be or not to be.  He defines Himself and His actions.  He will administer the due consequences to all who reject or neglect Him.  We have the right to trust in God and to receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, but not to reject or neglect Him.  That may sound unduly harsh or bigoted, but it is true none-the-less.  And because it is true, it is a compassionate statement that effects eternity for everyone.

Inherent in the meaning of the word “right” is that if I exercise that right, then there are no adverse consequences to my decision – God will not care or have a problem with what I choose.  I have the right to do it.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  God cares very much what we decide concerning Jesus Christ.  God gives no one the right to reject Him and His authority over them.  Those who do not trust in Him as their Lord will have eternal consequences to suffer.  You may believe or not believe, the decision is yours.  God allows you to make that decision.  You have that ability, but make sure your choice is the right one.

Because of the direction our society has gone, there are those who think that God is like man.  He will change with the wind.  If I do not like what He is saying, then He will change what He says in order to accommodate me because He wants to be popular.  God has never tried to be popular.  He has always demanded obedience.  While Jesus approached people in various ways depending on their particular need and circumstances, He never altered His message, but told them the truth.  There were many who were offended at Him and what He said, but He still told them what they needed to hear, not what He thought they wanted to hear.  He realized that His message would drive some people from Him, but He spoke truth regardless.  Jesus came to separate and divide, not to unite all people.  He does not wink at those who go through life doing their own thing with a total disregard for Him.  He does not have a bad day because some people reject Him.  The only bad day God has had – and I say this reverently – is when Jesus was crucified for our sins, when He paid the price for our rebellion against Him.

I’ve tried to make a simple analogy between being a Christian and being a Republican and how I see them as being related.  No, not every Republican is a Christian. There are many Godless ones who live a life of self-centeredness and who reject God.  And no, not every Democrat rejects God and His authority.  There are many Godly Democrats who love the Lord.  This is why we do not have a government sponsored church.  This is not, also, to say that every Republican would make a better leader than every Democrat, or that every Democrat would make a worse leader than every Republican.  Not at all.  There are good and bad in both, and each needs to be examined individually. 

But, analyzing our current political situation, I have no problem in saying that for the most part, Republicans more closely resemble Constitutional and Biblical principles and design than Democrats do. I do not expect anyone to change their mind based on what I say.  It is merely my opinion, which I believe to be the right one.  You are entitled to yours.  There are many other reasons I could give for being a Republican, but these are the main ones.

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Trumpets of Revelation Are Sounding

The Trumpets of Revelation Are Sounding

The tornadoes we are witnessing throughout the US for the past few days are a warning from Almighty God to repent.  They are the manifestation of the trumpet warnings of Revelation.  The following is taken from my book The Second Coming of Jesus Explained So Anyone Can Understand It.  Available at for $3.99.

People are in the habit of blaming some imaginary female entity named Mother Nature for our weather calamities.  Do I really need to state the obvious that there is no such being as Mother Nature?  Father God does not need anyone to protect His reputation by disavowing His actions.  He takes full responsibility for what He does without apology to anyone.

But, someone argues, there are Christians who are suffering through these tornadoes.  If you read Revelation 8 and 9, God makes the distinction between His people and the unsaved with the fifth trumpet, just like the plagues in Exodus 8 and 9 included Israel for four plagues, but with the fifth, a distinction was made between Israel and Egypt.

Chapters 8 – 11

The next section is chapters 8 – 11 and it deals with the seven trumpets, sounding in answer to the prayers of the saints.  These trumpets adversely affect the world.  These trumpets sound in response to a world that has opposed Jesus and has persecuted His people.  These trumpets do not sound only once, but again and again in every age.  I know that there are many who take offense at the idea that God punishes the wicked by sending judgments upon them, but God is not merely a God of love, mercy, and grace, but is also a God of holiness who will not always allow sinful man to do as he pleases.  His wrath is (present tense) revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18).   God’s wrath is constantly being revealed against sin, and its manifestation is explained in these trumpet sounds.

But, in all of these trumpets, God is calling sinners to salvation through repentance.  Even in His wrath, He still extends mercy, (“in wrath remember mercy” Habakkuk 3:2) but sinners do not respond to His invitation.  They still do not repent.  9: 20 But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. 21 And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.

This shows the absolute hard-heartedness, arrogance and pride of sinful man.  “If God is going to do this or allow this, I will not worship Him.  I cannot believe in a God who does this.”  Their attitude is that they are teaching God a lesson by their response – or lack of an appropriate response – to His justified actions against their sin and arrogance.  The sad reality is that they are stoking the fires of their punishment even hotter by their arrogant refusal to repent and receive God’s mercy and forgiveness.  The harder the heart, the hotter the flames of punishment.

As this section begins, there is silence in Heaven for about a half an hour.  This is the silence of awe before the Almighty God. 

Habakkuk 2: 20 “ But the LORD is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him.”

Zephaniah 1:7 Be silent in the presence of the Lord GOD; For the day of the LORD is at hand, for the LORD has prepared a sacrifice; He has invited His guests.

Zechariah 2: 13 Be silent, all flesh, before the LORD, for He is aroused from His holy habitation!”

The Lord is about to speak in judgment and all of Heaven is silent in anticipation of His actions.  They are unable to speak or to even move about while waiting for the terrible consequences of the sins of the inhabitants of the earth to fall upon them.  Reverent silence is the only acceptable reaction to the knowledge of forth coming judgment.  Make no mistake about it.  These trumpet judgments are in answer to the prayers of the persecuted saints.  Seven angels are each given a trumpet, but before they sound their trumpets, another angel is given a vial of incense, which is mixed with the prayers of the saints.  Since this vial of incense is given to the angel, it can be nothing other than the intercession of Christ for His saints to His Father.  God sees and hears all that occurs on earth.  He knows when His children are in tribulation and trials because of their faith, and He acts in response to it.  Nothing escapes His sight.  The vial is then cast to the earth, and the judgments begin.

Now, before we look at the trumpet judgments (warnings to repent), there is a precursor to them in the Old Testament, in Amos 4: 6-12, which gives us a better understanding of them.
“I gave you cleanness of teeth in all your cities, and (Deuteronomy 28: 27; Lamentations 2: 12) lack of bread in all your places, (Jeremiah 15: 7; Haggai 2:17) yet you did not return to me,” declares the Lord“I also  withheld the rain from you (Jeremiah 3: 3) when there were yet three months to the harvest; I would send rain on one city, and send no rain on another city (Exodus 9: 26);one field would have rain, and the field on which it did not rain would wither; so two or three cities (Amos 8: 12) would wander to another city to drink water, and would not be satisfied; yet you did not return to me,” declares the Lord.  9 “I struck you with blight and mildew (Deuteronomy 28: 22; Haggai 2: 17); your many gardens and your vineyards, your fig trees and your olive trees the locust devoured (Joel 1: 4); yet you did not return to me,” declares the Lord10 “I sent among you a pestilence after the manner of Egypt (Deuteronomy 28: 27, 60; Isaiah 10: 24, 26); I killed your young men with the sword, and carried away your horses (2 Kings 13: 7), and I made the stench of your camp go up into your nostrils (Joel 2: 20); yet you did not return to me,”declares the Lord11 “I overthrew some of you, as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah (Isaiah 13: 19), and you were as a brand plucked out of the burning (Zechariah 3: 2); yet you did not return to me,” declares the Lord.  1“Therefore thus I will do to you, O Israel; because I will do this to you, prepare to meet your God, O Israel!”
All of God’s natural judgments sent against Israel were designed by Him to bring them to repentance, but they refused to repent and to return to Him, but continued on in the flagrant rebellion and disobedience, so He had no choice but to continue to send judgments and punishment for their sin and rejection of Him and His commands.  Therefore, they met their God in the most unpleasant of ways.  These Old Testament descriptions of God’s dealing with Israel set the stage for the sounding of the trumpets in Revelation.  As with the Amos passage, God’s intent is to bring people to repentance.

The First Trumpet

There are two groups of judgments that occur.  The first four trumpets harm the wicked in their physical beings while the last three trumpets harm them in their spiritual being.  The first trumpet sounds and there is an outpouring of hail and fire mixed with blood that is cast down to the earth that results in a third of the trees and green grass being burnt up.  This trumpet, which sounds throughout the time from our Lord’s first coming to His second coming, most likely represents various disasters that afflict those who persecute the church that occur on dry land.  Whatever these disasters entail, they include severe weather that destroys lands and buildings.  Even as I write this, there is a 30,000+ acre fire raging in the Big Cypress Preserve, part of the Everglades just outside of where I live in Naples, Florida.  It was started by a lightning strike.  The smoke is drifting overhead and blocking out the sun.  There are multiplied accounts of wild fires throughout America and the world that very well may be a result of this particular trumpet sounding.  Think of the disastrous hurricanes of recent history; Ivan, Katrina, Charlie, and Wilma, and the tsunamis and cyclones that strike Asia, of the terrible mudslides in rain-soaked California that destroys many homes.  The news covers these events, but fails to credit the source of these events as God and the cause as man’s rebellion against God and persecution of His church. 

The Second Trumpet

The second trumpet sounds and what appears to John like a great mountain on fire is hurled into the sea.  It was not a real mountain, but something that looked like a mountain.  The symbolism is that God is causing terror to those who are unbelievers who make their living on the seas, or who sail the seas for pleasure.  God is using maritime disasters as a tool to speak to those who reject Him, who foolishly think that they are the “captains of their own fate”, who “sail their own ships.”  God is in control of all that happens upon this earth, not man.  Puny man, arrogant man can do nothing to prevent the trumpets from sounding and working their designed destruction of killing one third of the sea creatures and ships, and turning a third of the sea to blood.  The imagery is of destruction upon the sea, not a literal turning of water into blood.  It is a vision, a word picture that conveys truth through symbols.

The Third Trumpet

The third trumpet sounds and it affects inland waters.  In his vision John sees a huge fiery star falling from the sky that falls on rivers and streams.  Hollywood has recreated similar scenes in movies where large meteors are heading toward earth with no possible way to avoid them.  The screen is filled with terror stricken people screaming and attempting to escape, but how do you escape such a calamity?  The scene John is seeing is one of total terror experienced by those who see it falling.  This symbol is one that shows what God’s judgments upon rivers do to men.  Just recently the Red River flooded in North Dakota, Iowa, and parts of Minnesota that caused tremendous damage.  There have been countless devastating floods that destroy towns and people.  The name of the star is Wormwood, which symbolizes bitter sorrow and distress.  This falling star that lands on the waters not only kills people, but destroys all that the water is used for, such as commerce and pleasure. 

When Katrina broke the levy that held back Lake Ponchartrain from New Orleans, people were terrified, although the night before they were partying and laughing, completely disregarding the thought that disaster was imminent.  Although unbelievers – and unfortunately many Christians also - absolutely reject the truth that God had anything to do with this flood that killed many people and destroyed a great portion of New Orleans, it was a result of this third trumpet sounding.  But, man’s rejection of truth does not negate it.

The Fourth Trumpet

When the fourth trumpet sounds, a third of the sun, moon, and stars are affected.  Their lights do not shine for a portion of the day and night.  How exactly this affects man is not clearly stated, but it cannot be overstated that the heavenly bodies do exert influence on life as we know it.  When the sun is experiencing storms – sunspots – it drastically affects our earth.  When the moon goes through certain phases, it affects certain men in various ways.  Again, these events have occurred throughout the history of man and will continue to occur until Jesus returns and establishes the new heaven and earth.

This is a small excerpt from the chapter “What About Revelation?” in my book.