Election 2012
I am in serious quandary.
I have been voting since 1968 and have never had a problem deciding who
to vote for – until now. This upcoming
presidential election will stretch my decision making ability to its
limit. Who to vote for? Neither candidate is right for America as far
as I’m concerned. Neither candidate will
make a good president. One candidate may
be a “not as bad as the other” president. As much as it pains me to say this, I am even
thinking of not voting this time. This
is the second time in my voting lifetime that I would be forced to vote for the
“lesser of the two evils” instead of voting for a candidate that I wanted to
lead this country.
Now, I know some of
you are thinking that I must have had a serious knock in the head to even
consider not voting. I know my
responsibility as an American citizen, and I do not take it lightly. I served in the U.S. Navy to help preserve
this most important freedom. So, why am
I thinking this way?
I don’t think that I need to explain in great detail why
voting for our current president is not a wise decision. We all know that he has made grievous and
deliberate decisions that hurt our country’s economy and its morality. He has an agenda that is dangerous to our
welfare and our future. His goal is
nothing short of all out socialism that will make each and every citizen
dependent upon the federal government, which he intends to see grown to
proportions that we cannot imagine. He
has spent astronomical amounts of money that we do not have in order to bail
out banks and companies that should have been allowed to fail due to their own
greed and foolishness. No. I do not believe for one moment that some
companies are “too big to be allowed to fail.”
If avarice and lack of foresight destroys a bank or large insurance
company or a car manufacturer, so be it.
All greed deserves to fail and fail miserably.
No one deserves health care that the taxpayers or employers
are mandated to provide for them. The
“entitlement” mentality is going to bring America down and down hard. Foreigners are not entitled to enter this
country without following its immigration laws regardless of what liberal
minded politicians and activists say.
Another “entitlement” that the current president is pushing
is the right of homosexuals to be “married.” Here is another example of
liberals hijacking a perfectly good word and giving it a meaning that is not
inherent to the word. No one who is anti
“gay marriage” (even writing those two words makes me want to go throw up) is
advocating that they be treated less than humanely. If they want to live together, no one can
stop them from doing so (except God). But
they cannot be “married”, for the word contains the meaning of being able to
produce children, which was God’s mandate in the Garden of Eden. The fact the president’s children “helped him
come to this decision” (he said) tells me that he cannot think for himself or
be a man in his own household and stand up for what is right. They helped change his mind on the
issue. I could go on, but you know where
I’m coming from.
On the other hand, the other candidate (presumptive) has
serious drawbacks that I consider to be negative. He has shown liberal tendencies when governor
of Massachusetts, one of the most liberal of all states. How else could he have been elected
governor? He is culpable for many people
losing jobs in companies that he was instrumental in buying. Many jobs went overseas because of his
efforts. The bottom line is all that
mattered to him. Not people. I’m not naïve enough to think that people should
never lose jobs when companies flounder, but everything should be done to
preserve those jobs when possible.
People are still more important than money.
This should not be a consideration, I know, but I can’t help
it. He just looks “too slick.” His demeanor does not set well with me. His attitude appears to me to be that he
deserves to be president. I see pride
and arrogance in him. No one deserves to
be president. It is a great honor that
the American public bestows upon someone.
I just heard on CBS news this evening how he wrote against the GM
bailout, but now is claiming that he helped save the company by lobbying for
the bailout. Which is it? You cannot have it both ways. No one will believe a word you say.
Another consideration, which for me is important, but has
been pooh-poohed by many, is the fact that he is a Mormon. Some of you know the basic tenet of
Mormonism; others of you do not. The
foundation of the Mormon belief system is that they can earn the right to be a
god of their own world someday through obedience to God’s laws as recorded in
their writings (which supposedly, an angel named Moroni dictated to a guy named
Mormon who recorded those words on golden plates that another guy named Joe
Smith found, and with the help of magic spectacles was able to read). Mormonism is based upon the first lie ever
told in this world, that man can be like God.
Look at the absolute mess our world is in because Adam and Eve believed
that lie. Do we want someone who
believes that he can achieve godhood one day leading this country? Mormons do not believe in the God of the
Bible. The God of the Bible is Holy; He is
separate from all of His creation and His creatures. He can never be like them and they can never
be like Him. Yet, listen to words of
Mormon president Lorenzo Snow, who said, “As man is (now) God once was, and as
God is (now) man may become.” WHAT HOGWASH!!
There are many other strange and bizarre teachings of
Mormonism such as: Jesus came to North America somewhere around 600 BC and
taught the lost tribes of Israel the gospel; many Native Americans are
descendants from these lost Israelites: every human had a “pre-mortal” life as
a spirit being until a body was created for them by their earthly parents; the
Book of Mormon is more inspired than the Bible because the Bible is fallible
because it has been translated by man, and the cross is not as important as
focusing on the life of Jesus, temple activities bring them closer to “godhood”,
and don’t forget the magic underwear they wear.
Many other silly, non Scriptural doctrines are taught. I do not have the space or inclination to
write them all. If you care to look at
other Mormon doctrines, go this web site http://www.pbs.org/mormons/faqs/#1. Of course, there are many other web sites
that tell what they believe.
Why should Romney’s religion be a factor in this
election? Because as a man “thinks in
his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).
What a man believes in his heart is how he will act. I am not at all concerned that the Mormon church
will control Romney. Not at all. But I am concerned that his belief system
will greatly influence his decisions.
What a man places his trust in is not to be taken lightly or disregarded
or minimized. It is important. I ask you again: Do you want a man who thinks
he can achieve godhood leading you? He
may just act like he has already achieved godhood once he gets into office.
A friend of mine recently told me that we are not electing a
“pastor-in-chief”, but a commander-in-chief.
True. But, as I have said,
religion is a strong motivator in decision making.
I know in what direction I am leaning for this
election. I just pray it is the right