Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama Wins and America Loses

Obama Wins and America Loses

America has spoken, but has America spoken truth?  Neither candidate was my preference for president; but then, I did not have any choice in the matter.  There were only two viable candidates.  One was a known quantity, albeit not a quality quantity.  The other was unknown on a national scale.  Both lied through their teeth during the months leading up to yesterday’s election.  In politics, you must remember, that it is acceptable to tell as many lies that are necessary in order to get votes and money. 

For those of you who voted for Obama, last night was not cause for rejoicing and celebrating, nor is it a reason for you to gloat over his election win.  I do not call it a victory, for half of the country did not vote for him.  Indeed, it was not a victory for America, but a resounding defeat.  America is following in the footsteps of other world powers that have fallen because of their rejection of Godly principles and instead choosing immorality and idolatry.

Do you really think that God is going to bless a country that chooses a leader who deliberately rejects Godly principles?  Can we still sing God Bless America and believe He will hear and answer?  Please!  Do not profane His name by asking for His blessing if you voted for him.  God cannot nor will not bless any country that deliberately rejects Him and His law. 

But, someone says, not everyone in America believes in God.  We have a right to have the kind of government we want.  You Christians can’t force us to believe your way.  If we want humanism, that’s what we will choose.  No one is forcing anyone to believe in God if they choose not to believe.  The founding of this country was based on proven, reliable laws that protected all people regardless of their beliefs.  But, it also saw the wisdom in following God’s laws.

History has proven beyond any doubt that any country that turns its back on God and His Word is doomed to destruction.  The greatest example is Israel who were God’s chosen people to bring redemption to the world.  They had God’s law written in stone, had God’s hand to personally direct their steps and to drive out idolatrous nations before them, but they thought they knew better than Him and they rejected His law and His principles, and as a result, were taken into captivity by the Assyrians then the Babylonians.  Later, after rejecting the Son of God and crucifying Him, the Romans completely destroyed the nation and scattered the survivors to the wind.  Rome then fell because of the moral rot that decayed them from within. 

The revisionists have attempted to refute history by telling us that America was not founded on the Bible and God’s laws.  This is an attempt at destroying what they hate.  Their hatred of God and truth will not alter history.  Humanism is also doomed to utter failure.

America cannot expect God’s blessing if they think that homosexual marriage is a normal way of life, that murdering unborn babies is simply a choice that is between a woman and her doctor, that the rich should be mandated by law to willingly redistribute their money to the poor and give them free medical care, that if someone chooses not to work then they should still have the same comforts in life that those who do work have, that if a company is greedy and therefore about to go under that the government should throw money at them to solve the problem, that if Christians speak out against the evil choices governments make they should be prosecuted.  The list could go on and on.  Socialism always fails.  Godlessness always fails.  It must.  God’s law has never failed and it never will regardless of who likes it or dislikes it. 

I will pray for the president because the Bible tells me I must.  I will not pray for him because I like him or his agenda that will bring more pain to this country.  Who knows, maybe God will change his heart and mind.  Manasseh, the most evil of all of Judah’s kings, repented in his later years, yet the nation had to suffer untold misery because of his evil leadership.  He led Israel into the vilest of idolatry, immorality, murder of children, and rejection of God.  How is America today different from those days?  If God judged Israel, give me one good reason He will not also judge America for its immoral and idolatrous self-seeking, self-serving ways.

America must live with what God has allowed to happen.  But, how much will America suffer because of it?  The debt will grow to levels no one even imagined before.  Generations in the future will be saddled with paying it off.  This is not a joke.  It is real.  If I had my way, only those who voted for Obama would be responsible for paying off the debt.  If that were the case, how many would admit to voting for him?  Why should the rest of us pay for stupidity?

For the past several years our constitution has been slipping further and further down the toilet.  Last night, the final flush came.  What so many people, including those in authority seem to think is that the constitution is meant to be interpreted by the newest generation in whatever way it wants to interpret it.  If how the founding fathers wrote it is not the way we want it, let’s change it to suit us.  They are reading into it what no one with a lick of sense would see there.

It seems to me that the only ones who voted for him are greedy people who have their hand out waiting for the government to fill it with money or food stamps or free medical care; those who believe that same sex marriage (yuk! there’s a horrible taste in my mouth by just saying those words) is constitutional and to be admired; who think that it is perfectly fine to kill a baby while still in the womb of the mother; who think that government is the answer to all that ails our country; who think that it is the responsibility of the government to meet all of our needs and wants.  Or, there may be those who are none of the above but want to be thought of by others as tolerant and politically correct.  They just don’t want to offend anyone.  But they offend God.  That seems to be OK.  God will understand.  Wanna bet?

America has gotten just what it deserves.  God has given America a president that He will use to judge us just as He has done to other nations that turned their back on Him in the past.  But there is hope in that God still rules and reigns from Heaven and is able to overrule man’s foolishness.