Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Death of a Demigod

The Death a Demigod

Maybe I am the only one who doesn’t get it.   Well, one of the few who don’t get it.  I have read a few comments that tell the truth, but very few.  Most comments that have been made regarding the suicide by hanging of Robin Williams have glorified him and his death.  This is usually the reaction of people when a “star” dies, regardless of the circumstances of death.  Suicide, drug overdose, alcohol related deaths are prevalent among Hollywood personalities.  Many in recent history have been responsible for their own deaths because they have mistreated their bodies in any number of ways.  Most, it seems have been because of drug overdose, some even dying with hypodermic needles hanging from the arm.  It seems that people regard the death of a “celebrity” as a greater tragedy than the death of real American heroes (military and first responders) and of ordinary humans.  To many people the ability to entertain is seen as the highest of all human endeavors and those who do so are worshiped as demigods.

Now, before you reject what I have to say, let me say this.  All human death brings sadness to those who have been influenced by the deceased.  That Robin Williams influenced many people is not in question.  He made people laugh.  He made people feel good if only momentarily.  His ability as a comedian and an actor was superb for the most part.  He was an exceptionally talented funny man except for his blasphemy which was sickening and disgusting.  For those who live their lives seeking entertainment and who place greater value on Hollywood than they do on what is truly important in life, he will be missed.  His death, as with all deaths, even those who are not “stars” or are not well known, is tragic; it is tragic because most people do not regard themselves or their loved ones as being but a breath and a heartbeat away from death.

But, did he have any lasting impact on people?  Did his comedy change the direction or outcome of your life?   Will you be better off in the future because of him?   His impact on the lives of others was for the moment; it had no lasting value.  If you laughed at his jokes on Monday night, was your life better on Tuesday?  His comedy certainly had no eternal value.  It may, however, have eternal consequences.  Much of his “comedy” ridiculed God and the Bible.  Blasphemy is not to be admired under any circumstance.  It brings the condemnation of God upon the blasphemer.  I was going to post a youtube video to prove what I just wrote but decided against it; I do not want to be guilty of promoting his ungodly language and ridicule of the Holy God.  His blasphemy is not funny in the least.  It is absolutely repulsive; it is abhorrent.  Those who laugh at it are just as guilty as he is and very well may suffer for doing so.  Well, now that he has met God, I can guarantee he no longer thinks He is a subject of jokes.

What is particularly disturbing is that many professing Christians think that just because he made people laugh and feel good and because he was a “star” that he is now “resting in peace” and is no longer tormented by the demons that tortured his soul in life.  He no longer is addicted to drugs or alcohol or fits of depression.  He no longer is suffering but is at peace.  Nothing is further from the truth.  What a person is in life continues after death.  The soul, emotions, and thought life does not automatically become sanctified. 

Rev. 22: 11 Let the unrighteous go on in unrighteousness; let the filthy go on being made filthy; let the righteous go on in righteousness; and let the holy go on being made holy.”

If, as it appears to be the case, he died in an unrepentant state, then his mind is still blaspheming the Holy God and he is suffering to an infinite degree more now than he ever did in life.  God does not take every person to Heaven when they die.  Preparations for the afterlife are made during this life by acknowledging your sin, repenting of it and receiving Jesus Christ as Lord.  When Jesus is received, the entertainment of the world fades and becomes of no value.  Those who accept worshipful adoration – which is reserved for only God - have fallen into the condemnation of the devil which is pride (1Timothy 3: 6). 

King Herod accepted such praise and worship and as a result was eaten by worms from the inside out (Acts 12: 23).  Those who would usurp the worship of God for themselves and allow others to treat them like gods will be righteously judged in this life and in the next.

God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked.  No Godly person glories in the death of anyone, but the truth must be told regardless of who wants to hear it or not.  Anyone who tells the truth is seen by many as the enemy, but it is those who deceive by saying “peace peace when there is no peace” who are the liars and who lead multitudes astray. 

Anyone, Hollywood “star” or not who dies without Jesus will regret eternally the fact that they laughed at Jesus and the Scriptures and thought it was all a joke.  Don’t be one of them.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Haiti Mission Trip July 2014

Haiti Mission Trip July 2014
As always, we had a great trip that was a blessing to me and those who went with us.  God has been faithful to Christian Mission to Restore Haiti since our inception four years ago.  Pastor Andre and I were in Cap-Haitien for a week this trip; Melissa, Pastor Mallory and Christa, and Pablo did not accompany us this time for various reasons.  Melissa was just there a month ago on an information gathering and medical clinic trip. 

As usual, we had our difficulties, but it was nothing of unexpected proportions.  Electric power was contrary; it worked when and if it wanted to.  I was there for an hour before power decided that it was tired and needed a rest.  Several times a day and during the night it went on and off.  Since there is no AC, it only affected the microwave – which I needed for my meals – and the refrigerator that we were able to send there recently.  And, of course, it was hot, especially in the villages we visited.  The rooftop sitting area in Cap-Haitien has a breeze most of the time.

I spoke in all four of our churches and our Bible Institute.  The institute is progressing very well.  We have a new professor who has been a pastor and seminary professor for over twenty years.  The students are learning and using what they learn to lead their respective churches.

In the Robillard church (pronounced Oh’ bee are) there was a man who seemed to attract my attention.  He was attentive and expressive in his worship.  After the service I was introduced to him.  He is 69 years old and has been saved for 9 months or less.  His name is Jacquelin Robillard (on right in picture) and for 48 years he was the village witch doctor.  He drank excessively, smoked all kinds of drugs and had five women living in his house.  He discovered that he had growths in his body that his “magic” could not cure.  He was scheduled for an operation when he woke up one morning and the growths had completely disappeared along with the pain.  God had healed him.  He got in touch with Pastor Maurice of our church and he was able to lead him to Christ.  Jacquelin burned every bit of his voodoo and witch craft paraphernalia and has been serving the Lord ever since.  He quit all of his drinking and drug use and has put four of the five women out of his house.  He will be marrying the one remaining woman soon. 

This is just one of the results of our Bible Institute training.  God is to be praised for His mercy to sinners.  Another of our students, who is our top student, is seriously considering politics.  He asked me is it was appropriate for Christians to be involved with politics.  I assured him that it was and that God could greatly use him in that career.  Others are anxiously awaiting graduation so they can be ordained and become pastors. 

Our church in Bas Limbe has been remodeled and looks great.  They have been waiting for several years to have it done.  A new floor with tile inlay, inside walls replastered, outside replastered, new raised pulpit area, and new paint.  We had the dedication service on Sunday.  I preached the sermon for it.  There were well in excess of 100 in attendance. 

On Friday after our Institute we went to Bas Limbe for a baptism.  We walked two miles to the Bas Limbe River and Pastor Andre baptized four.  Then two miles back.  HOT HOT. There were seven scheduled but only four were able to attend.  Pastor Jocelin will baptize them soon. 

A youth group from Pittsburg joined us on this trip.  They were a great group of teenagers who held a vacation Bible school in Dubre.  There were well over 100 who attended, both children and adults.  They sang, did two skits, and had several activities and crafts for the children.  And candy, of course.  The youth pastor, Brian Ham, preached in Cap-Haitien Sunday morning and did a good job.  He is currently attending Reformed Theological Seminary studying for his Master of Divinity degree. 

Because of lack of funding we were unable to hold medical clinics on this trip.  We are in need of monthly support to reestablish this much needed service.  Everyone in Haiti it seems has some medical issue or another.  Other clinics in the area have also been forced to close due to lack of adequate funding. 

Our financial needs are as follows: $350 per month for the Bible Institute; to reopen the clinic $400 per month.  We have had four pallets of food donated and they are in Fort Lauderdale right now.  We need approximately $700 to ship it to Cap-Haitien.  We are in need of a pickup truck for the ministry.  We have $2000 toward it, but in order to buy one in Haiti that is in fairly good condition we need at least another $2000-3000.  It is much cheaper to buy one there than to buy one here and ship it.  A $4000 truck here would cost close to $10000 by the time we shipped it and paid duty for to enter the country.  Each time we go, the transportation costs are excessive. 

Thank you all for your prayer support and a special thank you to those who support us financially.  Without prayer and financial support we just could not go and do what God has called us to do.  A very special thank you to Quay and Betsy Baker from East Naples Baptist Church who drove me to Fort Lauderdale at 2 AM Monday July 7 and picked me up there Monday July 14 and brought me back to Naples.