Thursday, September 6, 2012

Shoving Christianity Down Someone’s Throat

From time to time I hear people say that they don’t want anyone to shove Christianity down their throat.  When anyone says that someone is trying to shove Christianity down their throat, they really don’t have any idea what they are talking about.  They are speaking out of complete ignorance.  In their arrogant pride they are proclaiming that they have all the answers they will ever need in life.  No one can teach them anything.

If the truth be known, Christians cannot shove their beliefs down anyone’s throat.  No one can be forced to believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  No one can be forced to believe truth.  Believing is a purely voluntary acknowledgement that one is a sinner in need of a Savior.  It is only hatred of truth or failure to recognize truth that makes anyone reject salvation. 

When someone tells me they don’t want Christianity shoved down their throat, my response is that I don’t want anyone to shove arrogant unbelief down my throat.  If by telling someone the good news of Jesus is shoving Christianity down their throat, then they must follow their own standard and never give their opinion on anything. If they do, then are they not trying to shove their opinion down someone’s throat?  Or is the standard now different?

Truly, it is those who reject Christ who are trying to shove their way of life and thinking down the throats of believers.  Everywhere you turn there is godlessness in abundance.  The degenerate cesspool that is Hollywood cranks out such filth that no one is immune from its influence.  The so called “stars” live totally immoral lives, yet are praised and lauded and worshiped by mindless minions as “role models.”  Role models for what?  Godlessness?  Demonic living?  How to go to hell?

Most TV is trash.  Garbage abounds on the internet.  Media of every ilk pours out liberal anti-Christian filth.  Politics is anything but wholesome and honest.  Is there any politician who does not lie?  Who, then, is trying to force what down whose throats?  It is Christians who are standing alone - yet we are not alone - in this world. 

You who attack Christians for telling the truth about this world and the ultimate destiny for those who reject truth are the ones trying to shove your unbelief down our throats.  It has always been that way.  Those who live for the Lord have always and will always – as long as this world exists – be subject to the attacks of the wicked. 

It’s OK for you to shove sin and godlessness down our throat, but we should never speak up for truth?  Who should be obeyed – God or man?

All that matters in the end is the eternal result.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. Ours but to continue demonstrating the love of Christ by what we say and do. We are permitted no other way.
